Saturday, December 3, 2011

Print Making

Description: For this project, we designed a picture of our choice that had to do with Nature on the a foam sheet using the end of a paint brush or a mechanical pencil. We had to make sure our design was deep enough using these items so that the paint did not just sit in the lines. Once we were done designing our picture, we took some block paint and put it on a plate. We then took a roller and made sure it was covered with paint. Once it was covered with paint, we rolled the paint onto our foam sheet. We then took our foam design and pressed it paint side down onto a sheet of construction paper to create a mirror image of our foam design. We chose the construction paper based off the color we chose for our mirror image. For this project, we had to do complimentary colors. I chose red for my paint, so the background (construction paper) was green. If I would have chose yellow, my background would have been purple, or blue with an orange background.

Extension Activity: An extension of this activity is you could have the students create a picture based off a specific topic instead of an picture they choose. You could have topic areas that include their favorite animal, a specific kind of animal such as jungle or sea animals, favorite type of plant or tree, a scene from their favorite story as a kid, or any other topic of your choosing. You can also do a bigger picture or a small picture depending on what you want the students topic area to be. You can also have the students create a picture of their favorite president, famous person, or singer/actor.

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