Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Van Gogh Finger Painting

This project is based off of Vincent Van Gogh's "Starry Night" Painting. This project was done with finger paint useing the colors of blue, yellow, red, white, and black. This finger painting project was based off of the concepts Vincent Van Gogh used in his "Starry Night" painting. I started out painting my picture by using red and yellow to make a sky that resembles a sun rise. I used my fingers and swirled the colors together with some white. I also used a little blue and black to darken some areas of the sky to show resemble a little bit of night that was left. Instead of doing the tree that is in Van Gogh's painting, I decided to do a picture in rememberance of 9/11 and did the World Trade Centers and other buildings in the front, behind the buildings I did some green hills in the middle section and then the sky in the background.  To mix the green hills, I combined yello and blue together.

Extension Activity:

For an extension activity, you could have the students use the same concepts from Vincent Van Gogh's "Starry Night" painting only using a couple of colors. You could do a finger painting with different shades of complimentary colors and focus on the techniques used in the sky line. You could also do a painting only using shades of one single color or a different color scheme with these same techniques.

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